# 首页 Banner 头图,可以是相对路径或绝对路径,以下相同 # 实际图片对应存放在 /source/img/bg/xxx.jpg # 修改主题配置文件 _config.fluid.yml # Path of Banner image, can be a relative path or an absolute path, the same on other pages banner_img: /img/bg/joshua-earle-9idqIGrLuTE-unsplash.jpg
6. 博客标题
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navbar: blog_title:oharuのblog
7. 网页统计
目前支持多种统计网站,开启后按需填入 Key 或 ID 即可。
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# Google Analytics 4 的媒体资源 ID # Google Analytics 4 MEASUREMENT_ID # See: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/9744165#zippy=%2Cin-this-article google: measurement_id:G-8Q835Q3Z38
# 首页副标题的独立设置 # Independent config of home page subtitle slogan: enable:true
# 为空则按 hexo config.subtitle 显示 # If empty, text based on `subtitle` in hexo config text:"An elegant Material-Design theme for Hexo"
# 通过 API 接口作为首页副标题的内容,必须返回的是 JSON 格式,如果请求失败则按 text 字段显示,该功能必须先开启 typing 打字机功能 # Subtitle of the homepage through the API, must be returned a JSON. If the request fails, it will be displayed in `text` value. This feature must first enable the typing animation api: enable:true
# 请求方法 # Request method # Available: GET | POST | PUT method:"GET"
# 请求头 # Request headers headers: {}
# 从请求结果获取字符串的取值字段,最终必须是一个字符串,例如返回结果为 {"data": {"author": "fluid", "content": "An elegant theme"}}, 则取值字段为 ['data', 'content'];如果返回是列表则自动选择第一项 # The value field of the string obtained from the response. For example, the response content is {"data": {"author": "fluid", "content": "An elegant theme"}}, the expected `keys: ['data','content']`; if the return is a list, the first item is automatically selected keys: ["hitokoto"]
# 一些好玩的功能 # Some fun features fun_features: # 为 subtitle 添加打字机效果 # Typing animation for subtitle typing: enable:true
# 打印速度,数字越大越慢 # Typing speed, the larger the number, the slower typeSpeed:120
# 游标字符 # Cursor character cursorChar:"|"
# 是否循环播放效果 # If true, loop animation loop:true
# 在指定页面开启,不填则在所有页面开启 # Enable in specified page, all pages by default # Options: home | post | tag | category | about | links | page | 404 scope: []
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# 打开文章的标签方式 # The browser tag to open the post # Available: _blank | _self post_url_target:_blank
# Giscus # 基于 GitHub Discussions,类似于 Utterances # Based on GitHub Discussions, similar to Utterances # See: https://giscus.app/ giscus: repo:ouharu/ouharu.github.io repo-id:R_kgDOMNjsdg category:Showandtell category-id:DIC_kwDOMNjsds4CgbbR theme-light:light theme-dark:dark mapping:pathname reactions-enabled:1 emit-metadata:1 input-position:top lang:zh-CN
14. 脚注
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# 脚注语法,会在文章底部生成脚注,如果 Markdown 渲染器本身支持,则建议关闭,否则可能会冲突 # Support footnote syntax, footnotes will be generated at the bottom of the post page. If the Markdown renderer itself supports it, please disable it, otherwise it may conflict footnote: enable:true # 脚注的节标题,也可以在 front-matter 中通过 `footnote: <h2>Reference</h2>` 这种形式修改单独页面的 header # The section title of the footnote, you can also modify the header of a single page in the form of `footnote: <h2>Reference</h2>` in front-matter header:'<h2>参考</h2>'